Company Overview

We, together with our foreign partners, turn know-how and up-to-date technology into quality products for successful business in Russia. Our goal is to gain solid market positions while generating profits and building long-term capital growth.
Russia is inevitably growing towards an active and efficient market economy. Financial and political reforms, together with economic expansion, provide a stimulus to positive development. In Russia you will find skilled people, the largest natural resources in the world and golden opportunities for progressive companies.
One of our advantages lies in the knowledge of political, social and business conditions in today's Russia. ZAO "Astra Holding" is actively participating in Russian business development using its internationally minded business philosophy together with local knowledge and experience. Foreign businessmen often blame local factors and circumstances in Russia. We do not believe in circumstances. Successful businessmen are those who are looking for their business activities and if they do not find them, they create them.

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